The 2025 International Workshop on Recent Trends in Cyber-Physical Systems (RTCPS'2025)
to be held in conjunction with ISNCC 2025
27-30 September 2025, Paris, France
Honorary Chair
Richard Chbeir
Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Ardour, France
Workshop Chairs
Samia Kouki
Higher Colleges of Technology, UAE
Nadia Yacoubi Ayadi
Higher Institute of Management, Tunisia
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) emerge from the integration of embedded computing devices, smart objects, people and physical environments, typically tied by a communication infrastructure (Ochoa et al, 2017). CPS application domains include health monitoring systems, manufacturing, robotics, transportation, energy control, smart building, agriculture, waste management, etc. All of these applications have a complete potential to serve substantial economic and social benefits. According to recent statistics, 25 billion of IoT devices will be online by 2024, and the number expected to rise to 38,6 billion devices by 2025. The wide spread of IoT-based solutions is driving more and more data into enterprises and industries, therefore big data analytics has become an essential component for extracting valuable information. This represents an opportunity that also brings several challenges to data processing systems for improving data collection, cleaning and storage, and performing real-time analytics. Thus, the design and development of IoT-enabled CPS face several challenges incurred by the ever-increasing system scale and complexity, the interaction with the complex physical world, the adoption of distributed embedded systems and the stringent requirements on scalability, reliability, privacy, and security.
The goal of this workshop is to report original research papers on recent advances related to the use of the CPS paradigm in industry as well as in research. Researchers are highly encouraged to submit research works from interdisciplinary backgrounds focusing on tools, technologies, architectures and infrastructures for building CPS systems. Relevant research areas include security, optimization, machine learning, cloud computing, data mining and analytics. Obviously, papers describing CPS application in different domains including transportation, energy, water, agriculture, medical technology, smart cities, supply chain, and robotics are of great interest.
This workshop aims to offer an event in order to highlight the potential and challenges of CPS systems, exchange ideas among practitioners and researchers from different areas, identify promising research directions, and ultimately create a special interest community.
Topics of interest include but are not limited to:
● Security of embedded systems, IoT and real-time systems in the context of CPS
● Energy management and CPS
● Scalability, Reliability and Availability issues in CPS
● Intelligent Systems for Modeling Smart IoT and CPS
● CPS applications in industry 4.0
● Machine learning for real-time data analytics in closed-loop CPS
● Data Provenance in IoT and CPS
● Human-in-the-loop (behavioral aspects of data analytics)
Prospective authors are invited to submit an original Full or Short paper in IEEE PDF format via the EDAS online submission system.
Important Dates
Submission Deadline: 13 April 2025
Acceptance Notification: 17 August 2025
Registration and Camera-ready copies of accepted papers : 28 September 2025
TPC Members
Richard Chbeir, Université de Pau et des Pays de l’Adour (France)
Mouza Al Shemaili, Higher Colleges of Technology (UAE)
Majed Bouchahma, Higher Colleges of Technology (UAE)
Majd Al Kofahi, Higher Colleges of Technology (UAE)
Linda Elmahadbi, National Engineering School of Tarbes (France)
Chadlia Jerad, National School of Computer Science (Tunisia)
Philippe Aniorte, IUT de Bayonne et du Pays Basque (France)