
Call For Papers

The multi-thematic program of this symposium edition of ISNCC will focus on the major future Issues in Networking,Computing and Communications.

Please download the [PDF Version] of the Call For Papers.

The symposium has fifteen tracks. Topics of interest include, but not limited to

1.  Deep Space Exploration and Long-Distance Communication

The Deep Space Exploration and Long-Distance Communication Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Deep Space Communication System architecture;

Radio access technologies in Deep Space Communications;

Protocol design for Deep Space Communications;

Interplanetary communications;

Delay tolerant networking for space communications;

Performance evaluation methods in Deep Space Communications;

Trial testbed and experimentations for Deep Space Communications


 2.  5G exploitation and 6G Vision: State of Art and Key Technologies

The 6G Vision and Potential Key Technologies Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

✦ 5G roll out and user experience

✦ 5G stand alone implementation

✦ 5G core network alternative access

✦ 5G service provision and market penetration

✦ 6G vision and use cases

✦ 6G network architecture

✦ New 6G air interface & high-performance wireless communication

✦ 6G coverage extension & Non-terrestrial networks (NTN) enhancement

✦ 6G network security and reliable architecture

✦ Signal processing techniques in B5G/6G

✦ 6G technologies and network protocols

3 Internet of Everything and Sensor Networks

The Internet of Everything and Sensor Networks Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

5G Networks and IoT

IoT Security and Trust

IoT and Personal Data Protection

Artificial Intelligence and IoT

IoT Large Scale Pilots and Portability

IoT Interoperability and Multi-Platform Integration

Software Defined Network (SDN), Network Function Virtualization (NFV) and IoT

Sensor and Actuator Networks

IoT Protocols and Standards (IPv6, 6LoWPAN, RPL, 6TiSCH, RAW, WoT, oneM2M, etc) Ultra-low power IoT Technologies and Embedded Systems Architectures

Blockchain technology for IoTs

Complex and Compound Sensors

Cooperative Computing for IoTs

Design principles and best practices for IoT application development

Management in IoT networks

Fog/Edge Caching techniques for IoT

Innovative routing and scheduling protocols

Design Space Exploration Techniques for IoT Devices and Systems

Heterogeneous Networks, Web of Things, Web of Everything

Internet of Nano Things

Sensors Data Management, IoT Mining and Analytics

Adaptive Systems and Models at Runtime

Distributed Storage, Data Fusion

Routing and Control Protocols

Resource Management, Resource Allocation, Mobility, Localization and Management Aspects

Identity Management and Object Recognition

Edge Computing, Fog Computing and IoT

Machine to Machine (M2M)/Devices-to-Devices communications and IoT

Industrial IoT

Application of Fog/Edge computing to IoT: architectures and implementations

Autonomic Computing for IoTs

Interoperability methodologies for heterogeneous IoT

IoT big data and predictive analysis

IoT standards platforms interworking

Horizontal application development for IoT

Low-power Computing

Mobile platforms as sensors

Mobility, Localization and context-adaptive Internet of Things

RFID sensing technology

Secure and privacy-preserving IoT communications

Smart Cities, Smart Home

Software Defined Networking (SDN) and NFV for IoT


4 Next-Generation Networking and Internet

The Next-Generation Networking and Internet (NGNI) Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related to: Addressing and naming with the presence of mobility and portability

Artificial intelligence in next-generation networks

Centralized-RAN, Cloud-RAN, and Fog-RAN architectures

Cloud-based, edge-based and fog-based networking

Converged networks and applications

Emerging added-value network services and applications

Data center network architectures and performance

Free Space and deep space networks

Cloud-native networking architectures

Future Internet and next-generation networking architectures

Heterogeneous multi-layer and multi-domain wireless-wireline internetworking

High speed and parallel processing architectures for next generation routers and switches

Network Automation, Intent-based and policy-based network control and management

Internet of Things (IoT), M2M, D2D, MTC

Internet survivability and network resilience strategies

Integrated networking, storage and computing

Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and Mobile Edge Computing (MEC)

Mobile security: device, application, and data

Networking flying vehicles such as UAVs and drones

Next-generation access networks

Next-generation anomaly, intrusion, and attack detection/prevention

Next-generation flow management: resource sharing, congestion control

Next-generation Internet applications and service

Next-generation networking protocols

Next-generation network management and control

Operational and research issues with IPv6

Overlay and peer-to-peer (P2P) networking

Packet classification and forwarding mechanisms at ultra-high link rates (terabits)

Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience (QoE) in next-generation networks 

Resource orchestration in next-generation networks

Routing and switching

Self-protection and self-organization networking

Software defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV)

Software defined radio (SDR) and cognitive radio networks

Traffic measurement, analysis, modelling, visualization, and engineering

Vehicular networking (IoV/V2V/V2I/V2X)

5 Trust, Security and Privacy

Trust, Security and Privacy Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Anonymous communications, metrics and performance

Attacks detection and prevention

Authentication protocols and key management

Autonomous vehicle security

Availability and survivability of secure services and systems

Biometric security: technologies, risks, vulnerabilities, bio-cryptography

Blockchain, cryptocurrencies, markets and finance

Cloud, data center and distributed systems security

Cryptography for network security

Digital rights management

Edge computing security and privacy

Formal trust models, security modelling, and design of secure protocols

Internet of Things security and privacy

Malware detection and damage recovery

Mobile and wireless network security

Operating system and virtual machine security

Secure applications and testbeds

Security tools for communication and information systems

Digital Forensics

Mobile and Internet of Things Forensics

Cloud and Network Forensics


6 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

The Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Machine Learning, Deep Learning, and Neural Networks

Knowledge Engineering, Representation, and Reasoning

Hybrid Intelligence and Human-in-the-Loop AI

Explainable AI

Commonsense AI

Hybrid AI

Enterprise AI

Conversational AI

Neuro-symbolic AI

Machine learning driven design and optimization of modulation and coding schemes

Machine learning techniques for channel estimation, channel modeling, and channel prediction

Machine learning based enhancements for difficult to model communications channels such as molecular, biological, multi-scale, and other non-traditional communications mediums

Transceiver design and channel decoding using deep learning

Machine learning driven techniques for radio environment awareness and decision making Machine learning for Internet of things (IoT) and massive connectivity

Machine learning for ultra-reliable and low latency communications (URLLC)

Machine learning for Massive MIMO, active and passive Large Intelligent Surfaces (LIS) Machine learning for vision-aided wireless communications

Distributed learning approaches for distributed communications problems

(Deep) Reinforcement Learning and Policy learning for resource management & optimization

Reinforcement Learning for self-organized networks and AP/BTS optimization

Machine learning techniques for non-linear signal processing

Machine learning techniques for physical layer security

Machine learning techniques for network slicing and system coexistence

Low-complexity and approximate learning techniques and power reduction applications

Machine learning for edge Intelligence, sensing platforms, and sense making

Algorithmic advances in machine learning for communication systems

Advancing the joint understanding of information theory, capacity, complexity and machine learning communications systems

Applications of transfer learning in wireless communication

Compression of neural networks for low-complexity hardware implementation

Unsupervised, semi-supervised and self-supervised learning approaches to communications

7.           Data Science and Big Data Systems Engineering

The Data Science and Big Data Systems Engineering Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Data driven approaches and technologies

Data intensive sciences and technologies

Data analytics and analysis

Artificial and computational intelligence

Machine learning, data mining, web mining, and graph mining

Big data models, theories, algorithms, approaches, solutions

Big data performance analysis and deployment

Big data maintenance, management, and operations

Big data placement, scheduling, and optimization

Big data practices and applications

Big data integration and visualization

Distributed and federated datasets

Big data retrieval, processing, analysis, and analytics

Big data semantics, scientific and knowledge discovery and intelligence

Big data acquisition, integration, cleaning, and practices

Big data architecture, infrastructure and platforms

Big data classifications, benchmarks and metrics

Big data standardization and regulation

Big data storage and management

Evaluations, simulations and debugging and tools relevant to big data

File systems and databases for big data

Inquiries and programming languages for big data

Security in Big Data

Privacy protection, trust in big data

Quality of experiences and quality of services of big data

Big data for biological, biomedical, and health science and technologies

Big data for multimedia and image processing

Big data for smart cities and smart homes

Big data for social networks

Big data in and for research, sciences and technologies

Big data in, with, and for cloud, edge, and fog computing

Big data in, with, and for networking, future networks, ICN, SDN, and NFV

Big data in, with, and for future wireless networks, 5G, 6G

Big data with and for smart grids

Big data with Internet of Things/cyber-physical systems

Big data with relevant signal processing techniques

Big sciences and technologies

Inquiries and programming languages for big data

Mobility and big data


 8.          Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage

The Cloud Computing, Networking and Storage Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Coding and signal processing for data storage systems

In-storage and in-memory computing

Theoretical concepts of cloud-based storage fog and edge computing

Information theory for cloud computing, networking or storage

Information and communication theory-based approaches for decentralized storage in cloud and fog/edge computing systems

Security and privacy in the cloud and fog/edge computing, networking and storage

Energy-efficient designs and resource optimization for storage systems and edge/cloud networking

High throughput signal processing for data storage

Circuit design for coding, detection and signal processing for data storage

Novel and emerging storage media

Signal processing for cloud and fog/edge computing, networking and storage systems

Design and analysis of algorithms and system architectures for networking and computing for cloud, fog and edge computing

9 Wireless and Mobile Communications & Networking

The Wireless and Mobile Comunications & Networking Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Wireless Ad hoc, Mesh and Sensor Networks

Vehicular Networks

Delay Tolerant Networks

Body Area Networks

Cloud Networking

Cellular Systems 5G and beyond

Peer to Peer Networking

Reconfigurable Wireless Networks

Resource  and Mobility Management

Cross-Layer Design and Optimization

Performance Analysis and QoS Provisioning

Network Planning, Capacity Analysis, and Monitoring and Network Management Algorithms

Network Reliability, Privacy & Security

Software Defined Networking 

Adaptive Antennas and Beamforming

Multi-Antenna and MIMO Systems

Transmitter and Receiver Techniques

Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access

Convergence of Wireless Systems

Cognitive Radio and Dynamic Spectrum Access

Modulation, Coding, and Diversity Techniques

Channel Estimation, Modeling and Equalization

QoS and Scheduling

Wireless Communications Testbed Development

Signal Processing Interfaces in Cognitive Radio

Blind Signal Processing for Communications

Spectrum Shaping and Filters

VLSI and RF Circuits for Wireless Communications


10.  Green Communication Systems and Networks

The Green Communication Systems and Networks Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Advanced metering infrastructure and smart meter technologies

relevant to energy efficiency

Big data to meet green challenges

Carbon-neutral communication and computing systems

Cross-layer design and optimization for green communications and computing

Energy efficiency and scalability of communication networks and infrastructures

Energy efficiency in 5G/B5G

Energy-aware communications and networking

Experimental test-beds and results for green communications and computing

Field trials and deployment experiences and green industrial processes

Green intelligent transportation systems

Green management of communication networks

Green network monitoring

Green optical communications, switching and networking

Green scheduling for communications and computing

Green software, hardware, devices, and equipment

Green storage, cloud and fog computing, and data centers

Green traffic shaping and policy implementation

Green transmission technologies and network protocols

Green wireless cellular networks

Green wireline communications and networking

Low cost, energy-efficient antenna and RF designs

Machine learning and AI for energy efficiency and green operation in communication

systems and networks

Measurement and profiling of green issues

Modelling and analysis for green communications and computing

Physical layer approaches for green communications and computing

Power consumption trends and reduction in communications and computing

Security in green communication and computing

Standardization, policy and regulation for green communications and computing

Zero-emission base stations, communication devices, and networks


11.  Satellite Communications and Space Internet

The Satellite Internet Technology and Application Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Satellite and space communications and networking

Near-earth satellite communications

Nano-satellites communications

Satellite-aerial-terrestrial integrated networks

MIMO satellite communications

Antennas for satellite communications

Channel models for satellite communications

Coding, modulation and synchronization schemes for satellite communications

Signal detection and estimation for satellite communications

Statistical and adaptive signal processing for satellite systems

Transport protocol performance over satellite

Security, privacy, and trust in satellite networks

Radio Resource management in satellite networks

Software-defined networking (SDN) and network function virtualization (NFV) in satellite systems

QoS and performance of satellite networks

On-board switching and processing technologies

Interference and fade mitigation techniques over satellite channels

Mega-constellations design

M2M over satellite

New standard in navigation systems: Galileo, GPS, SBAS (EGNOS, WAAS…), GBAS

Emerging standards: DVB-Sx, DVB-SH, DVB-RCS2, IP over Satellite

Satellite-based disaster recovery

Satellite-based remote e-Health

Satellite-based solutions for aeronautical applications

Satellite communications for maritime applications (eg, AIS)

Next-generation channel coding for deep-space communications

Telemetry/telecommand space protocol evolutions

Architecture and key techniques for space information networks

Space optical wireless communications

Allocation, scheduling and management of multiple wireless resources

✦ Full Integration in 5G and 6G standards 


12.            Antenna Systems, Propagation and RF Design

The Antenna Systems , Propagation and RF Design Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Air-ground channel measurement and modeling

Antenna design and characterizationAntenna measurement and characterization, including 3D effects, polarizationand antenna efficiency

Antenna and solar cell integration technologies

Car-2-X channel measurements and models

Channel estimation and prediction

Channel modeling, simulation and verification

Deployment concepts

Digital RF

Distributed antenna systems

Energy-efficient antenna systems

Exotic wireless channels (optical wireless, acoustic, underwater)

Interaction of in-car antennas with car-electronics; Interference in heterogeneous deployment scenarios (relays, small cells);

Measurement-based performance evaluation

Multi-antenna propagation channels

Narrowband and wideband channel characterization and modeling

Novel antenna concepts

Over-the-air testing of mobile terminal antennas

Propagation channel measurements

Propagation prediction and simulation

Reconfigurable antennas and arrays

RF subsystems

Ultra-wideband propagation

Wideband/cognitive RF systems

          13.     Signal Processing and Communication Systems Theory  

The Communication Systems Theory Symposium seeks original contributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are not explicitly listed but are closely related:

Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks

Adaptive Modulation and Coding

Blockchain Networks

Channel Estimation and Synchronization

Coding Theory

Cognitive Radio

Cooperative Communications

Distributed and Edge Computing

Detection and Estimation Theory

Device-to-Device and Machine-to-Machine Communications

Distributed Coding and Processing

Fiber Optical and Free-Space Optical Communications

Finite Block Length Information Theory

Heterogeneous and Small-Cell Networks

Information Theory and Channel Capacity

Interference Management, Cancellation, Alignment, and Avoidance

Iterative Detection and Decoding

Joint Radar and Communication

MIMO, Massive MIMO and Cell-Free MIMO

Multiple Access, Radio Resource Management, and Scheduling

Networks and Cross-Layer Design

Network and Multiuser Information Theory

Orthogonal and Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access Techniques

Physical Layer Security

Source Coding and Data Compression

Simultaneous Wireless Information and Power Transfer

Ultra-Wideband, Millimeter Wave and Terahertz Communication Theory

Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Communications

Intelligent signal processing for communication systems

Deep learning enabled end-to-end communication systems

Signal processing for data analytics and machine learning

Multi-antenna (SIMO, MISO, MIMO, Massive MIMO), multi-user, centralized/distributed multi-node systems

Channel estimation and equalization

Signal transmission, detection, and synchronization

Source coding, channel coding, and joint source-channel coding

Signal processing for single-carrier, OFDM/OFDMA, multicarrier systems including new waveforms

Signal processing for security enhancement (particularly physical layer security)

Signal processing for sensor networks and IoT applications

Signal processing for optical communications

Signal processing for millimeter and terahertz communication systems

Signal processing for intelligent reflecting surface

Signal processing techniques for full-duplex communications

Signal processing for multimedia services

Signal processing for wearable communications

Compressive sensing algorithms and their applications in wireless communications

Spectrum sensing, shaping, and management techniques

Localization, positioning and tracking techniques

Interference cancellation techniques in communications systems including NOMA

Spatial transmission and distributed transmission techniques

          14.      Computer vision and Applications 

Biometriccs and Pattern Recognition

Cognitive and Biologically-Inspired Vision

Remote Sensing

Content-based Image retieval

Face and Gesture Recognition

Medical Image Processing

Motion and Tracking Stereo and Structure from Motion

Object Detection, Recognition and Categorization

Document Analysis